
The Hope Cancer Support Centre was founded on Easter week 1999. It all began when a small number of people met in Enniscorthy and went for a cup of coffee in a local hotel. They decided they would meet each Friday morning for a chat and support each other on their cancer journey. Other people from the area, who were also living with cancer, soon heard of this group and wanted to join them. Within a very short period, the number had grown significantly and it became obvious there was a need to establish a more permanent structure to those meetings.

The use of a building in Church Street Enniscorthy was acquired and this became their regular meeting place. With a rapid growing membership it became clear there was a huge need for a cancer support centre in the area to provide support and information to people throughout County Wexford and beyond.

Due to the generosity of the  local community who provided the much needed finance and materials required, a team of volunteers got to work renovating and refurbishing what was  to become the Hope Centre.

With the Centre  open on a regular basis, services provided were cancer counselling, art classes, yoga and group supports. We were successful in acquiring a cancer counsellor sponsored by he Irish Cancer society.

Hope became a Limited Company and acquired charity status. A voluntary Board was appointed to oversee the growing needs of the Centre and to provide a professional and client focused service going forward.

On the 31st Jan 2004, Hope opened a charity shop in main street. This was run by a dedicated team of volunteers and provided much needed funds to run the Centre and its services. The shop later relocated to Millpark Road.

Later in 2004, due to the growing need to provide more space, we purchased  what was  formerly Dr Cuddigans Nursing Home in Weafer Street. Extensive renovations and refurbishment were carried out to bring the Centre to a very high standard to meet the needs of the growing number of clients. In Oct 2006, Hope appointed a Director of Services to ensure a very high standard of care to our clients. The Centre was officially opened in Autumn 2007.

The mission of our Centre is to provide our services free of charge to all who need our support. All this is only possible with the huge support of the public,through fundraising and volunteering.

We wish to thank everyone who has raised money or donated to the Centre over the years. We are especially grateful to the many volunteers and staff who have supported the work of Hope over the years and without their dedication and commitment the Hope Cancer Support Centre would not have happened.

In Hope our motto is “if you do nothing, nothing will happen.”



We employ 2 full time and 10 part-time employees.

In addition to the support from our Client Services Coordinator’s, Clients are supported by a team of contracted Counsellors, Therapists and Facilitators. All Therapists, Counsellors and Facilitators are fully qualified, accredited and insured.

We are governed by a voluntary Board of Directors. Directors do not receive any remuneration or benefits. The Board meet at least 10 times annually and all Board meetings are minuted and adhered to recognised best practice. There are currently 8 Directors on the Board. We are fully compliant with all of the requirements of the Charity Regulator.

We are also strongly supported by a large group of amazing volunteers who are to be found throughout the organisation offering their unique talents and expertise. These invaluable Volunteers work in our Charity Shop, help with meeting and greeting Clients, administration and maintenance of our beautiful garden at the Centre. We also have a dedicated Events Support Committee who support our third party fundraisers and over 200 volunteers who help with the administration of our annual Hope and Dream 10 fundraising event.


Vision and Mission

Our vision for Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG is to provide the best possible cancer support services for the people of County Wexford and surrounding areas, from our Centre in Enniscorthy and through outreach services throughout the area. Our mission is to :

  • Offer practical and emotional support to people with a cancer diagnosis and their supporters and carers, from the time of their diagnosis, through their treatments and afterwards.
  • To ensure a caring, confidential and professional service is delivered in a safe and peaceful environmemt.
  • To strive to improve our performance by driving quality and evidence-based practice in all of our support activities.

Our goals are to:

  • Provide the best possible supports to people with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones.
  • Reduce the impact of a cancer diagnosis through the provision of supports that are evidence based and that adhere to best practices.
  • Ensure the equality of access to all people wishing to engage with our services in a timely manner and be supported in the manner that suits them best.
  • Strive to improve our performance by listening to our client feedback and responding
  • Strengthen all we do by working as a team, ensuring the focus is on client needs, while complying with legal and regulatory requirements.