Cancer Thriving & Surviving Programme

This autumn, the Hope Cancer Support Centre will facilitate the running of the Cancer Thriving & Surviving Programme. This is a Self-Management Programme, developed by Stanford University, for those who have completed their cancer treatment and it has also proved useful to carers. Feedback from the programme, which has been delivered all over the country, has been overwhelmingly positive.


The Cancer Thriving & Surviving Programme offers you a sense of confidence and an opportunity to develop self-management skills when moving on from your cancer treatment. Participants play an active role in the sessions, and learn skills to help deal with issues such as managing frustration, fatigue and pain; setting priorities; making decisions and getting better sleep.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hope Centre will be offering this programme online through Zoom.

The normal programme is 6 sessions of approx. 2.5hrs. There is an extra session at the start of the online programme that lasts around 40mins. This is to give participants an overview of the programme and to iron out any technical issues. To join the programme, participants will need an email address, a strong internet connection and a laptop or desktop computer. A tablet or smart phone could be used but a laptop or desktop computer is recommended. Dates for the programme will be finalised at the end of August. Anyone interested in participating can contact Mary at the Hope Centre at 053 9238555